Saturday, April 3, 2010


I am at loose ends today, so I am going to vent (sorry, dear readers). I am tired of the fact that next to nothing is happening in my life right now and that I am obliged to just wait. I have sent quite a few emails to various contacts regarding jobs and volunteering positions, but I have not heard back from anyone. I have been told that the best way to get a job is to network, and I'm trying, but I just do not know that many people in town.

Frankly, I am angry. I am angry because I kept my head down for 4.5 years only to discover that my time would have likely been better spent getting out and meeting people. So, great, I have a resplendent academic record, but, so what? It is getting me NOWHERE.

I feel like I have good intentions and  heart full of positive energy that is just being wasted. I am naturally introverted, so it is difficult for me to do something like networking, but I am doing my best. I just need to be given something in return, you know? It seems I am ineffectively spinning my wheels. Looking at myself from a third-person perspective (which, being a lover of drama and storytelling, is something I am wont to do), I see a tragic tale of wasted talents. I would always rather do than sit around and fret, but while I am stuck sitting around, it's hard not to get gloomy. And I try...I always try to keep going. I suppose I've never stopped.

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